Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chanced upon a really good book recently. House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Purchased it in fact. It depicts a teenage boy who is autistic and how he and his family get by each day. Being autistic( a strong sense of rigidness to changes), the story unfolds how he face the death of his tutor. Seriously, this book amaze me and i take my hats off for the wonderful language that was written by the author. I have yet to complete the book, two thirds away from completion. Am taking my time.

Then again.I was never once a book reader. In my life, i have completed 1 book! Just 1 book, The Da Vinci Code. What an irony.

Another interesting point to highlight, Jodi Picoult has written another wonderful story entitled "My Sister's Keeper". I guess most of you would have heard it from the cinemas, else read the book. GOSH! I didnt read the book but the movie version was speechless! Googled the movie and learnt that there were changes made the ending. I feel that somewhat the original version suits the title more than the movie version. For those who have not seen this movie, i strongly recommend this show. It is different from the normal blond cheesy movie, it has a meaning behind it, tells you the value in life and in kinship. I am also pretty sure that you will get some learning points in life from that movie. Personally, i did, wonderful =)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


前一阵子,告诉自己因为在学业上放足了十二个月的努力、汗和泪水,趁这个机会要好好休息。现在机会来了,却有一股失去方向而茫然的感觉。天啊天, 人就是这么犯贱!就在这停笔,如果心血来操才blog吧!